Patients talk Patients: Workshop on how to Effectively Engage
Partnering with patients directly is an excellent example of an adaptive approach to leadership. This practice is gaining ground across the country. However, as an established and implemented concept, it is currently in its infancy. So how can we engage better together?
On June 1, 2021, four patient partners led the workshop “Patients Talk Patients: Workshop on How to Engage Effectively” at the National Health Leadership Conference (NHLC). Patient and family advisors came together to create a workshop to inspire health leaders and providers to:
Learn and discuss the terms “people-centered care” and “patient partnership”
Share experiences with:
What effective partnership is, including challenges, barriers, opportunities and solutions
Approaches to supporting a culture of patient engagement and partnership
Learn tips and strategies for creating an ‘engagement capable environment,’ including:
What to do when things are challenging
What to think about and do before engaging a patient and/or family member.
Workshop Leaders Featured:
(Moderator) Hélène Campbell, Patient and Family Partner. @alungstory
Duane Jackson, Patient and Family Partner. Indigenous Cultural Consultant; Soft Skills Workshop Facilitator.
Claire Gallant, Patient and Family Partner. @clairebgallant
Julie Drury, Patient and Family Partner. @SolidFooting
Supported by breakout table moderators:
Heather Thiessen, Patient and Family Partner. @HeatherPina44
Angie Hamson, Patient and Family Partner. @AngieHamson
What You Shared about Effective Engagement
Attendees were a mix of health leaders, researchers and patient and family advisors. The patient-led team engaged with attendees throughout the following group discussion questions:
What does People-Centred Care and Partnership look like to you?
What are some barriers to patient engagement?
How do you create an engagement- capable environment?
Themes to the following questions were recorded in a sticky-note Google Jamboard. Thank you to all attendees who shared:
Workshop Highlights
Hélène Campbell on asking questions that invite engagement: “It’s always important to ask every individual ‘what matters to you?’ and ‘what does people-centred care and partnership look like to you?’”
Duane Jackson on success: “In order to be successful, I must be 100% bought into the person on my left and the person on my right. We are in relationship to all things at all times. To be in relationship, you must be engaged.”
Claire Gallant on people-centred care: “Why do we engage in people-centred care? It’s about: bringing all voices of people with lived experiences and care providers together, respecting all voices, [ensuring] people have the education and support to be involved...and ensuring patients are involved along the entire continuum of care.”
Julie Drury on supporting patient leadership: “We need supported patient leadership. There are only a handful of patients who advise government or regional health authorities. Every province and territory needs to have a patient and family advisory council that has a diverse network across the region. It comes down to fundamental infrastructure and everyone buying in to patient-partnered care approach.”
Watch the Workshop
This session was described as “easy to understand,” “covered a lot of ground.” While the breakout room portion of this workshop was not recorded, you are invited to sign up and review the first part (40 minutes, including group discussions) here.
This workshop was presented at the National Health Leaders Conference (NHLC) in June, 2021.