World Patient Safety Day 2024


Increasing Patient Safety Outcomes by Addressing Diagnostic Issues

English + French Simultaneous Interpreter
Date: Tuesday, September 17 – 10:00 AM ET

Did you know that most people will suffer a diagnostic error in their lifetime? (Singh H, Meyer AN, Thomas EJ.)

This webinar for World Patient Safety Day aligns with the WHO mission to raise global awareness about improving diagnosis for patient safety. This webinar aims to enhance understanding and awareness of the critical role that accurate and timely diagnosis plays in patient safety. Through expert insights and lived experiences, we aim to equip people with the knowledge and strategies needed to improve diagnostic accuracy, thereby ensuring better health outcomes and safer patient care.

Key Topics:

• Navigating Diagnostics: Strategies and solutions to enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient safety outcomes.

• Care Transitions: Best practices and research for managing integrated care transitions to ensure continuity of patient care.

• Future of Diagnostics: Advances to health care that benefit patient care, including improved diagnoses and treatments.


Dr. John McGraw, Executive Vice President of Products and Strategic Offerings at HSO, Accreditation Canada and IQMH, will moderate the session, introducing the importance of diagnostic safety.

Dr. Anthony Sanfilippo, Professor of Medicine and Cardiology at Queen’s University, will describe the impact of reduced access and poor integration of diagnostic services on patient care. He will propose strategies and best practices for managing integrated care transitions and enhancing continuity to improve patient care.


Jacques Federspiel, Chief Information Security Officer, Hôpitaux Robert Schuman, will discuss numerous advances to Luxembourg’s health care landscape that benefit patient care, including improved diagnoses and treatments, better understanding of diseases, and effective preventive measures.


Joan Conrad, Patient Surveyor with Accreditation Canada, will share her personal experiences with misdiagnoses and highlight people-centred care approaches in addressing this issue.


Journée mondiale de la sécurité des patients 2024


Journée mondiale de l’accréditation 2024